The truth about Mylar!
Many people don’t know that Mylar bags aren’t actually recyclable.....
#grown #helpingothers #planetearth #love #freedom #sustainability #savetheplanet #life #grow #growntogive #🍁 #♻️ #🌎
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Mountains are the world’s water towers — and strongholds of biodiversity. Most of the world’s rivers begin in the mountains. Because of their height, mountains act as water towers, diverting air masses and forcing them to rise, cool and fall as rain or snow. Water flowing from mountains doesn’t just provide essential drinking water; it also sustains food production for more than half of the world’s population. Rising temperatures attributed to climate change, however, could melt mountain glaciers at much faster rates, leading to more flooding and increased sedimentation and pollution of aquatic ecosystems, likely causing permanent damage. #grown #helpingothers...
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